What a week it's been! I knew I shouldnt have posted that I'd had a pretty good week with little to "flip-off" on Friday. It came back to bite me in the booty BIG time!
Friday afternoon my little blue belt came home from school not feeling 100%. Sunday his fever shot up to 104! Monday he looked like he death warmed over. So off to the dr we went.
Diagnosis: parainfluenza. Apparently its a relative of the flu and as far as I am concerned that whole family is a big pain in the You. Know. What. !! That evening about 6:00 he woke up moaning and his fever was 107!! Said he couldnt feel his legs. Talk about one freaked out momma! I phoned a friend to get my hubby who was coaching the baseball game, dropped off the little general with my good friend and neighbor and hauled butt to the ER...oh, after quickly sponging him off in a cool bath, making him eat Motrin, and calling my father-in-law who is a retired physician. Its amazing how you can do a million things at once in an emergency.
The dr at the ER transferred us to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston TX. We got there at 9:00pm, got into a room at 12:30pm and finally saw a dr at 4:00 am!!! By then, his fever had come down, feeling returned to his legs and he was much better. They treated him for a viral infection with iv antibiotic and we left at about 6am. It was the worst night EVER!!
Just look at that pitiful thing! So I think I am going to dubb Thursday, Thankful Thursdays, and hopefully you all will want to join in on the fun! Just use my good friend Mr Linky to join in!
What are you thankful for? Mine this week is super easy! I am very thankful for my first born - my son. He is the surprise that changed my life. He gave me my childhood back with all of the trips to the park, ice-cream picnics, baseball in the back yard, four-wheeler rides, and black-berry picking....and he is the best big brother to a 3 year old sister any one could ask for. I love you my little blue belt!
Also, I did get to do a little work this week... let me know if you would like to place an order... or heck, let me know if you dont and you just think they're cute! I LOVE comments! thanks!
Pink and orange with a big orange bow! Perfect for summer!

Celebrate 4th of July with this super-fun and festive tutu!

I call this one birthday cake. It is a custom made tutu so no 2 will be exactly alike but I can make another one similar. pink, blue, and green with green polka dot curly ribbon and precious pink bows.
I am following your blog from blogfrog and I love the birthday cake tutu :) I have a one year old daughter and she is girly girly (already) and we love tutu's in this house :)