Saturday was one of the absolute funnest days Ive had in a long time! It started at 7:30 and didnt end til 7:30.
I went to Altard's Crash Course Workshop...if you didnt get to attend this time, I highly recommend it the next time, which will be June 19th. Im gonna pause while you mark your calendar now!
*~* cue elevator music*~*
ok. thanks!
Mandie had it planned perfectly! I pulled up to a covered area with sanders plugged in and a table with supplies ready to go! We were first guided inside to put on name tags and grab breakfast and a drink. She had fresh strawberries, blackberries (i call 'em dewberries), and grapes, and pastries....all beautifully displayed! She's fabulous!!!
As she describes...we ate, we talked, we laughed, we painted a little, ate some more, laughed some more. It really was an awesome time just bonding with women of all different ages and walks of life brought together by one thing....fabulous furniture!!
speaking of that! here's my fabulous piece! {Yes, those are easter decorations I have not put away yet}

I am in love!!! I walk by and talk to her.. and pet her... I just cant help myself!
For more pics of this workshop and to see some other fabulous finds by this incredibly talented woman go to There is also a link to her blog {thats where the pics are}.
After the workshop I got to deliver Stella, {if you dont know what Im talking about read yesterday's post}..and then I ran over to my in-laws house to show off my fab piece! Oh... and I forgot to mention...I won the drawing for a little table that Mandie painted to instruct us! Here's a pic...

see the white table? Isnt it cute! It found a new home right next to my bed {on my side of course!}
On to today! Mommy's day!
Have I told ya'll I dont really care for these over-commercialized holidays? Today and Valentine's day are the worst! But I woke up to the sweetest kids ever {I can say that, they're mine} wanting to bring me coffee, breakfast, and handmade cards. How cute are these!?
The hand is from my little blue belt, and it has a sweet poem on it. The other is the life-cycle of a ladybug that he also made in school but gave it to the little general for me! The hubster was specifically instructed to NOT purchase any was all being taken care of hee-hee.
After breakfast we headed to church... My family goes to Eagle Heights Fellowship and if you dont have a church home, please join us! The sermon was not your typical mother's day pomp and circumstance.. it was a continuation of a study we'd been doing on Romans 12. {Thank goodness went through my head..just call me the mother's day grinch! lol} Loved the sermon so much, I decided to place membership...a gift to myself. Afterwards, went to pick up the kiddos from their classes and my hands were instantly filled with all the hand-made gifts they made for ME!

And I forgot to tell you, the men of the church also handed out a single red rose to EVERY woman there!! How thoughtful!
When I left the hubby offered to drive me to my fav place EVER!!! Its called Olde Time Winnie Trade Days in Winnie, TX. And I scored BIG time!!! for only $23 buckaroos!
Do you have any idea how long I have wanted one of these window panes!!!!! It was marked for $12 but the guy told me Happy Mother's Day and I only owed him $8!!!! Im still pinching myself! {should've seen my husband's, hun, really!?! There's like lead paint all over it!, I said..I know! Ain't she grand!!!}

And the kiddos enjoyed looking at this vast collection of these spinny things {what are they called!?}
So after waking up in a terrible mood, I realized I'd actually had the best mother's day ever! And I have to tell all my friends how much I love them! I really have gotten so completely lucky to have surrounded myself with a group of about 10 women who are fabulous moms and I love all of them to pieces! anyhow..rambling... I warned you....
Glad it turned out good in the end... to low expectations!! Thanks for dropping by the discussion in my community. Great to connect.