Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Flip Offs

5-28-10 Edition

Its Friday Flip~Off time again and for those of you who are not familiar this is a fun blog-hop started by Gigi at Kludgymom but I first linked up thanks to Alicia over at A Beautiful Mess. This is an opportunity for us to virtually "flip-off" all the great annoyances of our week so we may enter our weekend refreshed. When you are thru listening to my rants check out these fab chicas and our other blog friends who have linked up and joined in on the fun!

To the viral infection that made my favorite little boy run 107 fever, lose feeling in his legs and completely freak out his mom and dad ~ flip off!!!!!

To the ER at Texas Children's for making us wait 7 hours before we could see a doctor ~ FLIP-OFF!

To all the idiots clogging the waiting room with ankle sprains and c0njuctivitis of the eyes~ super duper FLIP-OFFS!!!!!!!!

To the mosquitos that just sucked my face off ~ FLIP-OFF!

To the 190 degree temps and 3,000% humidity in south east Texas, I will never ever get used to your torturous heat! ~ FLIP-OFF!

To the parents of the 18 month old encouraged by you to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day (did you see that all over the news!?! if not google it NOW!) I do not for-see a mom-of-the-year award any where in your new future ~ FLIP-OFF!

hmmm... I think thats about it! Atleast til next Friday ;)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thankful Thursday

What a week it's been! I knew I shouldnt have posted that I'd had a pretty good week with little to "flip-off" on Friday. It came back to bite me in the booty BIG time!

Friday afternoon my little blue belt came home from school not feeling 100%. Sunday his fever shot up to 104! Monday he looked like he death warmed over. So off to the dr we went.

Diagnosis: parainfluenza. Apparently its a relative of the flu and as far as I am concerned that whole family is a big pain in the You. Know. What. !! That evening about 6:00 he woke up moaning and his fever was 107!! Said he couldnt feel his legs. Talk about one freaked out momma! I phoned a friend to get my hubby who was coaching the baseball game, dropped off the little general with my good friend and neighbor and hauled butt to the ER...oh, after quickly sponging him off in a cool bath, making him eat Motrin, and calling my father-in-law who is a retired physician. Its amazing how you can do a million things at once in an emergency.

The dr at the ER transferred us to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston TX. We got there at 9:00pm, got into a room at 12:30pm and finally saw a dr at 4:00 am!!! By then, his fever had come down, feeling returned to his legs and he was much better. They treated him for a viral infection with iv antibiotic and we left at about 6am. It was the worst night EVER!!

Just look at that pitiful thing! So I think I am going to dubb Thursday, Thankful Thursdays, and hopefully you all will want to join in on the fun! Just use my good friend Mr Linky to join in!

What are you thankful for? Mine this week is super easy! I am very thankful for my first born - my son. He is the surprise that changed my life. He gave me my childhood back with all of the trips to the park, ice-cream picnics, baseball in the back yard, four-wheeler rides, and black-berry picking....and he is the best big brother to a 3 year old sister any one could ask for. I love you my little blue belt!

Also, I did get to do a little work this week... let me know if you would like to place an order... or heck, let me know if you dont and you just think they're cute! I LOVE comments! thanks!

Pink and orange with a big orange bow! Perfect for summer!

Celebrate 4th of July with this super-fun and festive tutu!

I call this one birthday cake. It is a custom made tutu so no 2 will be exactly alike but I can make another one similar. pink, blue, and green with green polka dot curly ribbon and precious pink bows.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Flip-Off Fridays

o.k. Just saw this over on one of my new blog friends (A Beautiful Mess - thank you Alicia!) pages and Its just too "flippin" funny not to do!
The idea is to virtually flip off all the annoyances of the week, get everything off your chest and start fresh for the weekend!

Gotta admit I had a gosh darn good week {knocking on wood}
But darn you government agency that is making it difficult for me to sell my house because companies who are no longer in business didnt properly file title work when I bought it!! Darn you for giving me the run-around and getting angry when I out-argue you and you run out of excuses! and darn you cordless phones for making the angry hung-up alot less dramatic since I cant slam the phone down in their ear...the beep when I push the talk button does not make me feel tough!! So FLIP off!!!

There! I do feel much better! Whew! ;)


I have fallen down on my job!!! This was just one of those weeks where I was head bobbing passed out on the couch at 9:00! I got a million projects going on at once and I absolutely love it!!!! BUT it has left me NO time to blog {and I gotta wash laundry at some point before we get lost in it!} So sorry! Ive even created and sold several things and NO pics!! ugh!
Got good news! My tutu's are now being featured in Arlette's! A local hair salon with the sweetest owner {you guessed it! her name is Arlette}. So that gives me something new to focus on.. I get super bored..easily!
And {yes, i just started a sentence with and!} I had the BEST day Tuesday. I volunteered at our high school for Speed Day... a local fun day for our special education students and 11 other schools joined in on the fun! It was a HUGE success and hands down one of the most fulfilling things Ive done! I had the privilege of watching a blind boy with only 2 fingers play the star spangled banner for the opening ceremony. I got so many hugs and thank yous. So on to an eventful weekend! I will try to have pics for ya'll soon!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blog Journal ~ Day 4

What is your favorite vacation?
This is easy peasy! For the last 5 years we have gone every summer to the YMCA Camp of the Rockies just outside Estes Park in Colorado! It started because my father-in-law had a medical convention there every summer, but now that he no longer practices we continue to go because we love it so much. We rent a cabin in the mountains and meet them and my hubby's sister and her family for a week of F.U.N and R.E.L.A.X.A.T.I.O.N. The activities are endless! The YMCA site itself is basically a little town. Down in front of the admin building is a field, miniature golf, a basketball court, and through out the 860 acres is frisbee golf. They have a stable with over 150 horses including some clydesdales they use to pull the cart for the hay ride and weenie roast, and you can reserve to go on a horseback ride through the Rocky Mountain National Forest for a view like you could never imagine! They also have artists and singers come in for nightly performances or painting classes, camp for the little ones, a zip line, a huge crafts building, and parks to stop and play all over. There is a library, a general store, and lots of sweet families enjoying the mountain air. You can sleep with the windows open, and if you wake really early you might get to see a bear walking around. Last year there was even an elk that liked the shade of the cabins porch next door and seemed to love his photo ops. Now that I have built you up..I'll share some photos.

My sis n law and her family on the grounds in front of the admin building

In the Rocky Mtn forest..this is not zoomed, yes I was this close!

Enjoying dinner on the porch with good friends and good wine ;)

My little blue belt showing some martial arts moves in front of the cabin. Check out that view behind him!!

family pic on the way up to the continental divide

My fav pic of me and Mr Blue Belt

The tram ride up to the top of "squirrel mountain"

Feeding the squirrels, or are they chipmunks?

And just because this pic makes me laugh every time

She has her own "Chipmunk Cheeks!"

I hope you all enjoyed my pics! It was fun reminiscing!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Blog Journal ~ Day 3

What am I most proud of?
Now that's a loaded question! Im like everyone else and of course my kids come to mind first. And Im sure for all the reasons any other mother would put.
So Im gonna move on to something more personal. Im going to choose, that I feel like I have finally figured it out. I didnt know from the age of 5 what I wanted to be when I grew up. I didnt finish college. I chose to move when I was 21 to a town 3 hours away where the only person I knew was my husband and start from scratch. In the 8 years that I have been here I have gained more friends than I have ever had before. I can literally count on 2 hands all the friends that I know I could call any time of the day for any reason. I have finally found an amazing church that has transformed my life. I have started my own business... Fall Into Grace, with many more doors opening up as we speak. And I have finally stopped believing that I needed a college degree to feel fulfilled in life. My 10 year high school reunion is in a few months and I am proud to walk in there the person that I am..un-intimidated by the success of some fellow graduates....and If you knew me before, you would completely understand how huge this is for me. Shy little girl from small town USA now finally having the confidence to own this little thing called L.I.F.E. ;)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Walk In My Shoes

Day 2 Blog Journal
A Day In My Life...

6:20 Hubby wakes me up with a cup of coffee

6:30 Hubby tickles my feet cause I fell back asleep

6:40 I finally climb out of bed and make a new cup of coffee cause mine is cold now

6:45 wake up Mr Blue Belt for school

7:15 put him on the bus

7:16 put up laundry I did the night before
and prepare for my day

8:30 the little general wakes up and we eat breakfast,
brush teeth, get dressed, etc.

9:30 Chill time, cartoons, playing, etc.

10:30 On Tuesdays we go to story time at our library

11:30 Lunch time

12:30 chores and pick up from the morning

1:30 naptime for the little general while I work on orders, and watch General Hospital ;)

3:50 Mr Blue Belt comes home from school, he eats a snack and starts on homework.

4:30 On Monday and Wednesdays he goes to martial arts, if not we usually have baseball games or practice close to this time

6:30 If its Wednesday we go to AWANAS at church, other days, we play outside and pet the

7:00 Dinner, then bath

8:00 Lights out! Mr Blue Belt and The Little General lay in their beds with a movie after
reading a book. The hubby and I take turns laying with them.

9:00 T.V. off and I pass out in my bed!

Love my Life!!


This should be interesting!
Ever been on an interview and you are asked...tell me about yourself. I can picture it now, blank stare, crickets chirping in the background, and umm...well, I like, umm...
YIKES!!! Nothing is harder than talking about yourself! I mean, I think Im pretty awesome...but will any one else??? {giggle}
So Ive started this blogging journal this lovely lady over at toddler awesome started {}. I met her through the online community of SITSA's which stands for The Secret Is In The Sauce, and joined up on Blog Frog, a discussion forum for bloggers....I'd explain it to ya, but I really dont understand it myself... cue crickets. lol!
But Im determined to figure this all out...and what better way to figure it all out then to jump in head first to a challenge...muaahhhh! I laugh in the face of fear! So here we go.. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Im like the weather in Texas

I run the heater at night, the a/c during the day, and need an umbrella in the evening...
That's Texas weather {in case you're not familiar}
Im a little like that..I just can't make up my mind! You may have noticed if you check my blog regularly, that everyday the background has been different. I just cant help myself! There's so many cute things! Right now Im glued to Shabby Blogs website at and today's featured background is Little Miss Sunshine, by Corina Nielson. How can you not smile when you see this background, right!?! The problem is... it doesnt match my button..but if you don't mind, I dont either! ;)

Any~who! I really do more than sit and play on my blog all day. I got out really super early this morning and spray painted my mirror before these crazy south Texas winds started blowing.

Its a big gold mirror Ive had above {my now favorite} console. They matched perfectly, but I cant have a gold mirror above a beautifully distressed aqua console, now can I?

So I'll give you a sneak peak..but Im not doing the big reveal until later {because Im not finished, hee hee}

I taped paper to cover the parts I didnt want white, and when I pulled off the tape wah-lah!
Look at that pretty blue sky!

Now it isn't perfect. I got some stray pieces of grass in it, and a pair of cricket legs {may he rest in piece}, but I feel confident some light sanding and a coat of glaze will erase all imperfections!
Wish me luck!
Oh and the other really important thing I did today!

I got to hold this precious lil thang!
Welcome Tucker Deen Kreuzer
born May 6, 2010 2:57 pm 7lbs 15 oz 21 in.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Im just gonna ramble about my fabulous weekend!

Saturday was one of the absolute funnest days Ive had in a long time! It started at 7:30 and didnt end til 7:30.
I went to Altard's Crash Course Workshop...if you didnt get to attend this time, I highly recommend it the next time, which will be June 19th. Im gonna pause while you mark your calendar now!

*~* cue elevator music*~*
ok. thanks!

Mandie had it planned perfectly! I pulled up to a covered area with sanders plugged in and a table with supplies ready to go! We were first guided inside to put on name tags and grab breakfast and a drink. She had fresh strawberries, blackberries (i call 'em dewberries), and grapes, and pastries....all beautifully displayed! She's fabulous!!!
As she describes...we ate, we talked, we laughed, we painted a little, ate some more, laughed some more. It really was an awesome time just bonding with women of all different ages and walks of life brought together by one thing....fabulous furniture!!
speaking of that! here's my fabulous piece! {Yes, those are easter decorations I have not put away yet} I am in love!!! I walk by and talk to her.. and pet her... I just cant help myself!
For more pics of this workshop and to see some other fabulous finds by this incredibly talented woman go to There is also a link to her blog {thats where the pics are}.

After the workshop I got to deliver Stella, {if you dont know what Im talking about read yesterday's post}..and then I ran over to my in-laws house to show off my fab piece! Oh... and I forgot to mention...I won the drawing for a little table that Mandie painted to instruct us! Here's a pic...see the white table? Isnt it cute! It found a new home right next to my bed {on my side of course!}
On to today! Mommy's day!
Have I told ya'll I dont really care for these over-commercialized holidays? Today and Valentine's day are the worst! But I woke up to the sweetest kids ever {I can say that, they're mine} wanting to bring me coffee, breakfast, and handmade cards. How cute are these!?
The hand is from my little blue belt, and it has a sweet poem on it. The other is the life-cycle of a ladybug that he also made in school but gave it to the little general for me! The hubster was specifically instructed to NOT purchase any was all being taken care of hee-hee.

After breakfast we headed to church... My family goes to Eagle Heights Fellowship and if you dont have a church home, please join us! The sermon was not your typical mother's day pomp and circumstance.. it was a continuation of a study we'd been doing on Romans 12. {Thank goodness went through my head..just call me the mother's day grinch! lol} Loved the sermon so much, I decided to place membership...a gift to myself. Afterwards, went to pick up the kiddos from their classes and my hands were instantly filled with all the hand-made gifts they made for ME!

And I forgot to tell you, the men of the church also handed out a single red rose to EVERY woman there!! How thoughtful!

When I left the hubby offered to drive me to my fav place EVER!!! Its called Olde Time Winnie Trade Days in Winnie, TX. And I scored BIG time!!! for only $23 buckaroos!
Do you have any idea how long I have wanted one of these window panes!!!!! It was marked for $12 but the guy told me Happy Mother's Day and I only owed him $8!!!! Im still pinching myself! {should've seen my husband's, hun, really!?! There's like lead paint all over it!, I said..I know! Ain't she grand!!!}

And the kiddos enjoyed looking at this vast collection of these spinny things {what are they called!?}

So after waking up in a terrible mood, I realized I'd actually had the best mother's day ever! And I have to tell all my friends how much I love them! I really have gotten so completely lucky to have surrounded myself with a group of about 10 women who are fabulous moms and I love all of them to pieces! anyhow..rambling... I warned you....

Saturday, May 8, 2010


That's my girl! After waking me up at 4AM with bad dreams she wants to watch cartoons. I told her "no honey, its still night night time"... she huffs, goes in her room and puts on a movie. Would you believe she was still up at 6:00 when my alarm went was over, she was on her floor with all the lights on "reading" books. SO CUTE!! Yep! That's my miss independent. So I always have that song INDEPENDENT by Webbie stuck in my head! Thanks Kaci! ;)
Whew! What a day! I left my house at 7:30 and headed over to Altard's Crash Course Workshop! Can you say F.U.N.!!!! {it sounds more official if I spell it! ha}
Girls, Food, and Painting! What more can a girl ask for!?! I hope to have pics to post soon.
Sooo..having more diaper cake fun! Made a delivery today! And it's my fav girl cake so far!
Her name is Stella! Love her!

and here's better pics of my nautical cake! Thank you Robin!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Updates and Visions of Red, White & Blue

I have had several requests for 2 updates..The first one being my snails. Thank you for asking, but Gary, Gary, and Gary are doing well. They have about 20 new earth worm friends who are helping to keep their soil nice and clean and they seem very happy. Their favorite food still is the lettuce...though I try to encourage them to try new things.

The other update is on Corby, the little boy in the 4-wheeler accident. I am so happy to say once again...God. is. GOOD! and HE. answers. prayer.!!! He is talking, and eating, and smiling. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and I want to give a shout-out to the elementary school for helping me coordinate with the students get-well cards. They are being delivered tonight and I just know he will be so surprised!

Visions of sugar-plums...oh no, wait, Christmas is over.... hmm... red, white, and blue!!! are dancing in my head!! Dontcha just love 4th of July! I do for several reasons... the proud feeling I get when I see the fireworks popping way above my children's heads..their amazement and excitement at all the colors... the talks with them about how lucky we are to live in America... and best of all.. My birthday is only 12 days after that!!! hahahah {don't forget! I expect presents..go on.. mark your calendar NOW! I'll wait}

okay, you're back...

So I just wanted to let ya'll know I am taking orders for 4th of July tutu's!! Starting....1, 2, 3, NOW! So hurry and order while you can!

These come in all kids sizes, varieties, and colors (as long as they are red, white, and!) I can bling them, pixie cut them, layer them, or make a tutu halter dress, or we can get crazy and do all mentioned in one!! Just message me with what you got in mind and I will make it happen! {Im wiggling my nose} laters!

I am cracking up at this pic! Look at the dog!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sail Away! and a give-away! kind of....

This is my favorite diaper cake I have done so far and I can't believe the pics arent better. They dont do it justice at ALL!!! This precious cake was a custom order for a friend and it is definitely a unique creation.
It contains 40 size 1 Pampers diapers. 2 1/2 yards of ribbon. 3 yards of rope. And an origami boat made by ME to top it off! The precious scrapbook nautical themed stickers set the tone! I cant tell you how precious it is in person! This one can be re-created... email me at or msg me below for pricing. Cost really depends on how much you want to include but I assure you I can create for any budget!
Speaking of cost... the give-away sort-of part... For the month of May... send a referral my way that makes a purchase and you will receive 15% off your order. Dont let this steal of a deal pass you by! Thanks!

The Best Things In Life.....

Come in threes, like friends, dreams, and memories. Im sorry, I dont know the author..please let me know if you do so I can give credit where its due. ;)

I made my first memory board earlier this week and for some reason I couldnt find the words to post about it..{and if you know me, you know that's rare}. But I knew soon enough something would inspire me and sure enough it did. Little did I know the words would come after a harsh reminder of how important it is to take every precious moment and cherish them.

A sweet little boy named Corby was in a four-wheeler accident yesterday evening and was life-flighted due to extensive injuries. As a mom of a boy his age who has a four-wheeler, I could only imagine the fear and pain of being the parent holding his hand feeling so helpless.

I took this as an urgent opportunity to sit down with my little blue belt last night and talk to him about safety, pleading that he always wear his helmet and be as careful as possible. It was also an opportunity to pray with my son...something I am learning to do right along with my kids. It was also a reminder to me to not take things for granted. I really try hard not too... but life just gets in the way sometimes.....

So here is my very first memory board...whadda ya think? I have to say I truly enjoyed making this because I LOVE working with tools and this one required a staple gun. Arrgh! Arrgh! Just call me Tim the Tool Man Taylor!

Thank you Jennifer for your order, I hope your daughter fills it with memories!